

Nagini is an automated, modular verifier for (concurrent) Python programs, based on the Viper verification infrastructure. It supports a rich subset of statically-​typed Python 3 as defined in external pagePEP 484. Nagini is intended to be able to prove complex properties of real-​world user code; in addition to basic safety and functional correctness, its specification language allows specifying properties like input/output behavior, progress properties, and secure information flow.

Nagini was originally developed as part of the VerifiedSCION project; it is open source and available on external pageGithub.

Nagini has also served as the basis of 2vyper, a verifier for Ethereum smart contracts written in the Python-like Vyper language.

Project Members

Marco Eilers
Peter Müller


  • M. Eilers and S. Meier and P. Müller, Product Programs in the Wild: Retrofitting Program Verifiers to Check Information Flow Security
    In Computer Aided Verification (CAV), 2021. [PDF]
  • M. Eilers and P. Müller, Nagini: A Static Verifier for Python
    In Computer Aided Verification (CAV), 2018. [DownloadPDF]
  • M. Hassan and C. Urban and M. Eilers and P. Müller, MaxSMT-based Type Inference for Python 3
    In Computer Aided Verification (CAV), 2018. [DownloadPDF]

Completed Student Projects


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