Download Viper

The easiest way to use Viper is via the Viper IDE. 

The Viper IDE is based on external pageMicrosoft Visual Studio Code (a free, open source editor). After installing VS Code (64-bit), open the extensions browser (⇧+Ctrl+X or ⇧+⌘+X). Search for external pageViper. Install the extension, and agree to restart VS Code. 

The IDE will be activated once a .vpr file is opened in VS Code. You will be asked for permission to download the dependencies (~100 MB).

Please always use Viper IDE with the latest available version of VS Code. 

If you have previously installed Viper IDE, please make sure to update to the latest version of Viper using the command
Viper: install or update dependencies (command line tools)
from the Command Palette (⇧+Ctrl+P or ⇧+⌘+P). 

Viper IDE installs Viper in a subfolder called Stable or Nightly (depending on the build version configured in the Viper IDE settings) at <VSCode Installation>/User/globalStorage/viper-admin.viper. <VSCode Installation> corresponds to the location at which Visual Studio Code has been installed, which usually is as follows:

Please note that the Viper IDE depends on having a 64-bit version of Java 11 or newer installed (e.g. external pageOracle or external pageEclipse Temurin); this may not be the default installation on your machine or necessarily the default version offered as a download.

Further information and descriptions of the Viper IDE's configuration options can be found in the external pageViper IDE Wiki.

Download Viper command line tools (release 2024.1)

A binary snapshot of the Viper tools is available as a .zip file here. Note that these files are automatically downloaded and installed for you if you use the Viper IDE VS Code plugin described above.

DownloadWindows 64-bit     DownloadLinux 64-bit     DownloadmacOS     DownloadmacOS (ARM)

For experts

Download Viper command line tools (Nightly build)

external pageWindows 64-bit     external pageLinux 64-bit     external pagemacOS     external pagemacOS (ARM)


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